Friday the 19th of September.
These photos were taken yesterday when my girls were voting for their future. I can't look at them without crying because I know, I know for a fact, that they've been deprived of that hope, that promise, and that chance of a brighter future in an Independent Scotland.
These photos were taken yesterday when my darling husband Robbie stood for almost 24 hours in total, so hopeful of a Yes vote during referendum day. A vote that he and so many other campaigners have worked so very hard for.
It breaks my heart. If I could believe for one moment that Scotland would in any way be Better Together, I'd resign myself to this decision and be hopeful of the changes the Government promised. But I, and so many others, are not stupid. We know these changes won't come. We knew that before it was revealed today.
Robbie, my love, please don't give up the fight. You, and so many other wonderful people can do this. You can make it happen. You can make things better for our children. Just keep the faith.
Girls, don't lose hope. Change will come. It's just going to take longer than we'd hoped, and you just need to keep believing that there's a future for you that's brighter than what's about to come.
I don't want to believe any of what I'm hearing; that the vote was rigged, that David Cameron never ever intended for Scotland to be free, that the promised changes won't materialise. I don't want to because it makes it too hard to bear.
And I don't judge a single soul for their decision when they voted. This isn't about that, it's about Westminster. It's about the lies, the deception and the scaremongering. And potentially it's about the whole referendum being rigged.
I hope so much that one day we'll see a better future for this wonderful Country that I'm so very proud to call my home.
Be back soon.
Wendy x